Another reason that living a balanced life is so important...

This week our family had a major learning situation which was painful to watch as a parent and humiliating to our daughter.  Not to get into all the details, but to sum it up a stressed out, unbalanced and probably overwhelmed piano teacher humiliated Zoe in front of other kids. The hours spent talking, crying and talking some more pulled at our heartstrings (not to say the least about her now dislike of piano) and made me wonder is this an example of what happens when we are out of balance and overwhelmed.


The answer, after talking and receiving apologies of course was simple, communication. If the piano teacher had stopped to think of how to approach the situation and called me to discuss it the problem would never have occurred, the humiliation would have been avoided and Zoe would still feel good about piano.


Trying to find a lesson in this mess, we took advantage of the situation and talked with her a great deal about forgiveness (so she can heal her own heart) and reconciliation (which she doesn't have to do if she doesn't want to) and the fact that the teacher also knew she was inappropriate. For a kid to hear from a teacher that they are sorry and basically "screwed up" is something that doesn't happen very often-- and a bit of a healer. 

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